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2023-08-31 10:19:38

Top 4 Best Free Minecraft Server Hosts [24_7 Hosting] _ Free Server Hosting For Minecraft

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in this video , we're showing you the best free server host of Minecraft .

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And do make sure you watch this video right into the end .

You see all the different hosts who will be showing you and let's go and get straight into this .

The first free Minecraft server host I want to show you is called Mind Heart and the website is mind heart dot com .

So once you on the website , all you need to to do is go click and sign up in seconds .

All you need to do is enter your email , password and your date of birth .

Then once you signed in , all you want to do is go and click in your dashboard , and then it's going to take you to your server list .

As you can see , I've previously created two servers on here , and once you're on your dashboard , you can go and create a new server by clicking on the button here and then all you need to do is come up with the name for your server and then if you once you made it , you can then go and change the version by clicking on here , for example , and then you can go and change the server type and the server version or the version of Minecraft .

Then once you want to go and join it , all you need to do is go and press on .

Activate server .

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Then you have to wait around 30 seconds on what your add and then the server is going to go and start .

Then , once the server has started , all you need to do is go and copy this domain or IP here by clicking on it right click and copy .

And then we can go and enter this into Minecraft .

I also just wanted to add as well .

You can go and change a tonne of settings on mine as well as you can see at the top .

We've got settings , console add ons for manager world and backups .

But if you scroll down on the settings page , there are a tonne of sort of properties .

You can go and change as well .

So here we are on Minecraft , so let's go and click .

Add server .

I'm going to paste in the server address , remove that space and go and click on Done .

And as you can see , here it is .

Let's go and join it and just show you that it works .

So we've just joined .

As you can see at the top , it's going to go and send us to the R Guide server in around 10 seconds .

And here we are on the server .

And now let's go and get into the next free Minecraft host the next to we're showing you it is called server dot pro .

So once you come to the website , all you need to do is sign up .

You can sign up here or you can go into the top right and go click on sign up as well , then , Once you've verified your account by going to your email , all you need to do is go and create this server .

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So let's go and select the free plan here and then .

As you can see , you've got these two options here , so I just recommend going and creating this server , which is closest for you .

I live in England .

So France is a lot closer than Canada for me .

Um , but if you're in America , then you can go and use Canada , and then you can go and select the game .

So personally , I'm using Minecraft to our edition .

So I'll select that , and then you can go and select the version I personally put on 1.18 0.2 .

Um , and there we go .

And then all we need to do is go and fill in this capture , and then we can go and create the server .

So we've now created the server , and we've got our host name and IP address here as well .

And then down here , we've got a tonne of properties we can go and change .

You can go and change your server icon on the left hand side , you've got files console plugins well to the page , the FTP and so many other useful features which we really useful as well .

And then you need to go and press on the power button in the top left to go and activate it , and then you can go and join it with the IP address or the domain .

And here we are back on Minecraft , so go and click on add server .

Then all you need to do is go and add the host name or the IP address , and then you can go and join your server dot pro server .

The next host I want to show you is called a OS .

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Now a Os .

Once again , it is going to go and provide free Minecraft servers .

So once you're on the website , all you need to do is scroll down and go and click on play or get yours .

Now it's gonna go and take you to the same area , then all you want to do so if you can sign up and go and create your account , all you need to do is choose your user name and your password , and then we can go and get started .

But I've already got an account , so I'm going to go and log in .

Then once you've created your account , are logged in , then it's going to go and take you to the server page and let's go and create a new server .

Then you can go and choose if you want it to be the Java version or the bedrock version , and you can go and change the name of the server as well .

I'm going to keep it just like that and go and click on Create , and it's now loading the once you've created your server , you'll be taken to this page here , and it goes and gives you the server address , and you can go and on start .

But on the left hand side , you've got a tonne of different options .

You have the options panel .

You've got the console , the log , the players , the software , the files , the worlds and access as well .

Let's go and press start , and then we can go and join the server .

You do need to make sure you agree to the Minecraft viewer .

I'm going to go and click , I accept , and it's going to go and start up the server .

And now , as you can see , our A server is now online .

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So let's go and either remember this or go and copy it and go and join the server .

So here we are once again , so let's go and click on Add server .

I'm going to go and paste in the server address , Go and click on done .

And as you can see , here we are .

Let's go and click Join server and then it's going to go and take us straight to the world .

As you can see , it's just loading in .

And here we are on our server .

We can go and send a message .

And now let's go and get into the next host .

The next free host I'm showing you is called Scalar Cube .

Now , Scale Cube do actually host different types of servers for example , arc rust , and they do Minecraft as well .

So once you're on the website , all you need to do is go to called Minecraft server hosting just here at the top .

Then , as you can see here , we've gone and got this option for the six Q white server 24 7 free forever .

So all we need to do is go and click on this option .

Here , you can go and pay if you'd like , and then you can go and select the region so you can go and use America United Kingdom .

In this example I'm just going to go and use America .

Then you want to go and click get your server just like so .

And as you can see , you can go and choose .

If you want to speak for the Java edition version or the pocket edition and then go and click on Minecraft , go and click next .

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Then you can go and choose your location .

As I said before , you probably want to go and use the closest one to you .

But in this case , I'm just going to go and use the American location .

Then , as you can see , we've got a tonne of different versions of Minecraft here , including mod parks .

Um , but personally , I'm just gonna go and use the standard Minecraft 1.19 .

I'm gonna go and click Select .

Then I want to go and click on next , and you can go and choose the plan .

And you want to go and make sure you click on the free plan as you can see free forever .

So go and click on Choose .

Um , go and click next .

And then , as you can see , uh , you just want to go and select on the free version .

You could go and pay if you'd like , but using the IP is absolutely fine .

Then go and click next again , and we've got this option here .

You can just go and make sure no is selected , just like so go and click next , and now it's going to take us to the sign up page where you need to go and enter your first name , your last name , your email and a password .

Then , once you've signed up , it's going to go and say Your account has been successfully created and you can go and click on .

Continue and then you can go and click on servers , and it's going to go and show your server , which is free .

So let's go and click on it just here and here we are .

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When you first go and click on it , it's going to go and say activating , and it may go say it may take up to 24 hours , but I literally just went and refresh my page , and then it's already activated within a minute .

So go and click on managed server just like so .

And as you can see at the moment , it is processing at about 25% So all you need to do is wait .

Then after you click that you can then go and click manage server .

And as you can see , here we are .

And then all we're going to want to do is go and select the version .

So once again , just go and select the version you want .

I want this version here .

I'm going to go and click Install .

Then once it's finished processing , you can go and click on next and this to go and show your game servers .

And , as you can see here , it's the server here with the IP .

So I'm gonna go and click and copy it to go and copy the address .

But you can go and click on Manage once again .

And then there are a few different things You can go and change in here and then just before you go and join the server , make sure you go and click .

Turn on , just like so , and it's now going to go and boot the server , and you do need to click turn on again as well .

Then it's going to go and process again .

And as you can see this , stick around eight seconds and then go and click next and then let's go and copy the IP address and let's go and join it on my So here we are on Minecraft .

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Let's go and click on add server just like so and go and type in the IP .

Then you can go and click on Done and we can go and join the server .

So you've just seen our top four favourite server hosts and we hope one of them does work really well for you .

We've made multiple different guides , including on the server , um hosts for A and mine showing you how to add mods .

And we've also made a few other guides on becoming OP onto them as well .

And we're also going to add further guide to server dot pro and scale the keep host as well .

All of those are absolutely great and we definitely recommend trying them all out and finding which is gonna work best for you as everyone's gonna have sort of different experiences and stuff they want .

So , for example , some of them you can use plugins some of them you can add mods .

So it's all about sort of finding the right one for you .

Um and sort of probably trying them all out overall and then seeing , um , which works best for your other friends who want to join the server as well .

And yeah , it's all going very little bit , but it's definitely worth testing them all out .

And , of course , it's easy to test out because they're completely free .

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So I hope you did find this video useful If you did subscribe for more tutorials , as we're gonna be making more , um , of these sort of countdowns as well in the future about the best hosts , um , out there , which are completely free as well .

So yeah , please go down below and sub subscribe , as we kept up to date leave a like for more peace .


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