in this video , I show you how to download and install better Minecraft .
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So just a quick note as well .
You're doing to fully own Minecraft for this tutorial and wanna see better .
Minecraft is so , so cool to play with , and I recommend following this guide and hopefully be able to get it .
So now let's go and get straight into this first up to go and install the better Minecraft mod pack is to go and open up a Web browser .
So personally , I'm using Google chrome and then you want to go to a search engine such as Google .
Then all you want to do is go and search something called Curse Forge .
But do keep watching it explain fully .
Go and search for curse Forge and make sure you come to curse forge dot com .
Then once you're here , you want to go and just click , accept , and you need to go and click right on the top where it says Curse forge app in the top row .
Click here and then it's gonna go and take you to the download dot curse .
Forge dot com so we can go and do this on Windows and Mac as well , which is really cool .
So you want to go and click on Windows just like so ?
And here we are .
It's now downloading now , just before we go and install this , I want to quickly explain .
Curse Forge is basically going to go and allow us to go and run Minecraft mop packs .
It's a really cool way of doing this , but just a quick note .
As I said in the intro , You still need to go and own Minecraft , and you actually have to have paid for it .
Um , this is not a guide to go and get Minecraft for free .
You have to .
The next step is to go out and find the curse Forge installer because I use Google chrome .
It's in the bottom of my browser , but you may need to go and open up your file Explorer and go to your downloads folder to go and locate the installer .
But in my case , it's in the bottom of my browser .
So I'm gonna go and drag it onto my desktop , just like so .
Now the next thing you want to do is go and double click on the installer just like so you're gonna go and get a window Security pop up .
Unfortunately , my computer won't let me go and record that .
So wait for this to go and load .
Now , as you can see , you've got this option here .
All you need to do is go and click on next .
Just like so I select English .
Then we've gone and got the option .
If you'd like to go and create a desktop shortcut , I've already read and agreed to the terms .
So I'm going to go and click next and then I'm gonna go and click , accept and install .
Then it's going to go and start downloading all the files it needs , as we actually only just downloaded the installer before .
And it's going to go and install it so you can sit back and relax .
And once it's finished , it's going to go and say , curse forward to successfully install .
And it's also going to go and give you this window in your Web browser as well .
So now we can close up of that and all you want to do is go and click on launch .
If it doesn't automatically launch , then you can just go and double click on the shortcut as well .
And then Curse Forge is then going to go and launch now , because I'm gonna show you what to do .
In this video , you can go and click Skip intro just like so .
And here we are .
So all you want to do is go and click on Minecraft just like so .
And as you can see , we need to go and set up Curse Forge Minecraft mo folder .
So what I recommend is clicking on Standard and then go and click and continue .
And then it's gonna go and sort everything out for you just like that .
So now you want to go and click search for mod packs .
So now you want to and of course , go and search for better Minecraft just like so and go and hit Enter and it's gonna go and display all of the results .
So we've got a few different options here .
As you can see , there's better Minecraft for forge for fabric UH , 1.18 0.21 0.16 0.5 .
There's a lot to choose from .
Personally , I'm gonna go and get the 1.16 points .
Five version .
Um , but you can get any version you like , and then you want to go and click .
Install just here , and then it's going to go and start loading .
As you can see , it's going to be installing and downloading all the required mods .
Um , so you can sit back and relax and just a quick note as well .
The download time taken is going to vary on your Internet speed , so it's going to take a bit of a different length of time for everyone .
Then it's going to go and show you the mod it's currently downloading .
So as you can see currently , it's downloading mod 55 .
But it's changing so much , Um , as there are so many mods .
But there are 220 24 in total , and once it's finished , there's then going to be a play button appear where the install button was originally .
So you want to go and click the Minecraft logo on the left hand side .
just here .
Then that's gonna take you back to all of the mod packs you have installed .
And when you go and put your mouse over it , you go and get this play button .
So I'm gonna go and click on play just like so .
And as you can see , it's then going to go and install the Minecraft launcher .
Uh , so you can sit back and just wait for this to finish .
So the Minecraft launcher has just appeared behind curse for So I'm gonna go and click on it just like so and go and drag it into the middle .
And then you need to go and sign into your Minecraft account .
As I said before , you need to fully own Minecraft in order for this to work .
So I just signed in , and now I'm gonna go and click on Let's go just like this .
And now it's gonna take us to the Minecraft launcher next to the play button .
Better Minecraft will be selected .
You can't actually go and change it so you don't need to worry about that .
And then you want to go and click on the play button .
Now you need to go and agree to the risk of running a Minecraft mods .
So you go and click play and then it's gonna go and launch .
And just before launching , it may have to do some more downloads as well .
So just be patient .
Then it's gonna go and start launching .
And as you can see , it's red and you can see all of this text moving .
It's just making sure all of the mods are properly installed and you can go and minimise Curse Forge as well by clicking on the minimise button .
And now we can just go and wait for this to finish .
As you can see better .
Minecraft is really , really cool , and it's got so many awesome functions and there's so much you can go and do in it .
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