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2023-08-31 09:26:33

most effective stretches to GROW TALLER

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Hey , what's going on guys ?

Welcome back to the channel .

It's a beautiful day in Los Angeles .

I'm at Venice Beach , soaking up some sun .

It's really warm for this time of the year .

This is late December that I'm recording this video .

And as you guys can see , I'm not shivering or anything .

It's pretty warm there on the beach , there are people just enjoying the sun and just having a picnic and what not .

But today I'm here to show you guys some of the most effective stretches for increasing your height .

So if you're a teenager or a young adult and you're still growing , some of these stretches are going to help you reach your maximum potential heights .

And if you're already an adult , you can still stretch and elongate your limbs to have better posture , strengthen out those muscles and gain at least one or two inches , right .

So I'm going to show you guys some stretches that you guys can do at home .

You don't need any equipment whatsoever .

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This is a very effective 10 minute stretch that you guys should do every morning .

All right guys .

So we're at the beach very first thing just loosen up , shake it off .

Think about how your body is feeling right now , right ?

Just kind of listen to your body .

Think about where your tens , shake it off , get loose .

Hopefully you guys are playing some music and getting some positive vibes .

Going save this video .

You definitely want to come back to this video several times , maybe stretch along with me every day .

So the very first thing that I'm going to do is stretch out my back muscle , right ?

So one of the , um , first stretches I like to do is this right ?

So , really simple .

Just kind of hold this , hold this down for a few seconds .

Try to keep your , your legs straight and that's going to be really hard .

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Um The very first time that you're doing it because you're , um , hamstrings are getting used to being stretched out .

So bend down , try to keep your hamstrings straight .

You're going to feel tense pressure along your hamstrings because they're straightening out , they're lengthening .

And then as soon as you put your hands to the floor , you're also going to feel your back muscles activated as well .

So this is something that you guys can keep in mind and you want to hold it for 30 seconds .

So if you can't place your hands on the floor comfortably , that's ok .

What you can do is just maybe hold your , um , your shins , um , if you can or hold your ankles .

But eventually as you guys do this over time , you're going to see that you're more flexible and you're going to be even be able to touch the floor like this .

So let's hold this for 30 seconds .

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I definitely feel my back muscles and my hamstrings get being stretched out .

Let's hold this for 10 , 987654321 .

Yeah , I really feel that right now .

Ok .

All right .

So the next thing you're going to do super simple .

This is probably the easiest stretch for today , right .

Next thing you're going to do , have your feet together , hands up and all you're going to do is lean backwards , right ?

And as you lean backwards , you're going to feel your core being activated , your core being stretched out and then you're also going to feel your back muscles being activated as well .

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So pretty much it should kind of look like this like you're leaning back like that and you want to hold this for 30 seconds as well and 10 987654 three 21 .

Very good .

So now as you've done that , you can definitely feel your core , your core muscles has definitely been activated , you can feel a stretch happening there .

So now let's move on to the next pose .

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So for this next pose , all you guys are going to do , spread your feet out a little bit and from the side it is gonna look like this , you spread your feet out a little bit .

I'm gonna move backwards just to , just to touch and all you're gonna do is put your head down and put your hands to the ground .

This is actually a yoga pose , right ?

So it should look like this .

And again , you want to make sure that you are keeping your hamstrings as straight as possible and you want to make sure that your knees aren't , you want to make sure that your knees aren't bent .

But again , you don't want to hurt yourself .

So if you need to bend your knees a little bit , that's ok as well .

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And just hold this for 30 seconds again if you can and 10 , 987 , 654 , three 21 .

So from that pose , what I want you guys to do now is to um relax your , your left foot , let your feet just kind of lay and then take your right foot , bring it up like this , right ?

And then all you're going to do is rich for the sky .

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You can even bend backwards a little bit too , reach , reach , reach and as you're reaching , you can definitely feel your quads on the left side being activated rich and hold this for 30 seconds as well .

And 10 987654 , 321 .

All right .

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So now you're gonna do the , the same thing , but switch legs this time , right ?

And as you lean back , you can actually still feel your core being activated as well .

Your quads are also being activated and this is also and this is also a good workout for your arms as well .

So you're almost kind of activating several muscle groups and getting a nice little workout in , in addition to a stretch .

The view over here is pretty lovely .

I'm looking directly at the beach .

There are surfers , waves crashing on the , on the shoreline .

It's beautiful guys .

I love Los Angeles .

Yeah .

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10 987654321 .

All right .

Nice work guys .

So now I want you guys to get up , shake it out a little bit .

It's a great day .

Keep that positive mindset .

You're gonna reach your goals , you're gonna grow taller , you're gonna crush whatever you set your mind to keep that positive mindset , right ?

So now I'm standing up .

Um , this is all I want you guys to do .

You're going to put your hands behind your back like this and just kind of like extend .

Keep that , keep your , keep your knees straight if possible .

So that way your hamstring to get the most activation and just kind of pull your arms back as much as you comfortably can .

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And again , hold this for 30 seconds and 10 9 87654321 .

Hm .

Definitely felt that one .

And now this one is pretty similar to the stretch that we did .

Um , a little while ago , but it's , uh , slightly different .

So , what you're going to do this time is like , have your left foot forward like this , your right feet is backwards and all you're going to do is lean into it , right .

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And as you lean into it , you can feel your quads , your hamstrings , your inner thigh being activated and just kind of stretch it out like this , stretch out , your legs lean on it .

You can even rest your elbow on your um quads if you , if you can hold that for 30 seconds and then we switch to the other side .

What are you guys doing after watching this video ?

Go ahead and drop that in the comment box .

I'm curious to know .

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So after holding this for about 30 seconds , let's go ahead and count down 10 9876543 , 21 .

Oh , my legs are definitely feeling hella stretched .

Now .

I want to show you guys another back stretch that you can do .

This one should be pretty easy .

Hopefully .

So there's some sand on this side .

So I'm going to flip to the other side .

So all you guys have to do is spread your knees out a little bit , bring your head close to the mat as much as possible and you're going to stretch with your arms towards the , towards the edge of the mat as far as you can .

So let's go ahead and show you what that looks like .

So it looks like this keeps stretching , stretch , stretch , stretch , stretch .

You don't want to lift your butt off too much .

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You want to keep your butt as low as possible while you're stretching and this is going to activates your shoulder blades , your back and even your quads a little bit .

Hm .

And if you want , you can even put one hand in the back and get maximum stretching with the other hand and then do the same on the other side and hold it for and 10 , 987654321 .

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So while you're still there , um , I want to show you something else that you can do same position , keep your knees where they are .

And this time around we're going to have our shoulder blades off the ground .

So , and what I want you guys to do is to extend your right leg out and then you're going to reach like this right .

So reach , reach , reach , I hope you guys can reach , reach , reach , hold this for about 30 seconds .

You can definitely feel your back , your lower back being activated .

It's a great stretch in .

This is a great stretching exercise .

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If you have backaches and 10 , nine , 876543 two one , we're going to switch to the other side , extend your legs and reach then nine 876543 21 .

And then next , this is one of my favorite .

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Stretching for your back , especially .

I like this stretch because it's actually pretty easy .

Right .

All you have to do is lay on the ground like this .

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All you have to do is lay on the ground like this and then you're going to lift your butt up , then you're going to lift your butt up from the ground like so and hold this for 30 seconds and let's count 10 , nine , 876 , five four , 321 .

All right guys .

So that concludes my morning stretching on how you guys can grow taller .

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If you try these stretches every morning for at least 10 minutes to start your day , you're going to see that your muscles are going to get more flexible .

You're going to get lean and longer .

If you're a young adult or a teenager , this is definitely going to help encourage and boost that natural hormone growth that you guys have .

So definitely stretch and drop your results in the comments .

I you guys have commented on my previous videos that you've gained a couple of inches .

I love hearing those success stories .

So drop your heights right now , measure your heights on a weekly basis , maybe even on a monthly basis .

And let me know if you guys have success with these stretches .

If you guys would like to see a part two to this video , definitely hit that like button , hit that notification bell .

Also drop a comment .

I love hearing from you guys , I read almost all my comments , so stay tuned .

I'll see you guys in my next one .


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