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2023-08-31 14:28:27

Fried Pickles - Video Recipe

video content Image generated by Wilowrid

Good day .

Welcome to Todds kitchen .

I had this as a snack the other day and it was so good .

I had to create it at home .

So join me today as I make my version of fried pickles .

Ok .

So to start this off , I have 1.5 cups of regular plain flour .

So today I'm going to add two teaspoons of salt , one teaspoon of paprika and a quarter teaspoon of cayenne pepper and just give it a quick mix around until everything is well combined .

Ok ?

So next , I've just got about 1.5 cups of milk here and I also have some sliced pickles .

So it's just a simple matter of dunking it in the milk .

Then we're going to dunk it in our flour mixture .

And what I'm going to do is I'm going to place it back in the milk for a second time and back into our flour mixture for a second time .

Just get that extra coating , just makes it nice and crispy and trust me , it works .

Ok .

So for this , I'm going to use a deep fryer .

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Now , be confident to use a pot on a stove then that's fine as well .

And I have this at 100 and 80 °C or 350 °F .

So it's just a simple matter of placing in a couple of our pickles at a time , say about five or six .

And we're gonna let this fry away for about two minutes .

Basically , once they turn golden brown and nice and crispy , they're done .

Ok .

As you can see , they're nice and golden now and they're also floating on top .

So just simply pull them up out of the oil , let them drain off for a few seconds , then just place them on some paper towel to drain off the excess oil .

Now , these are perfect for any type of party you're having .

What I've got is I've served them here with some homemade ranch dressing that I made earlier on .

And if you missed the video , I'll leave a link down below to my video on how to make your own ranch dressing and because they're nice and crunchy and delicious .

When you dip them in this dressing , you'll know they taste simply delic .

video content Image generated by Wilowrid

And the best part is these are a fantastic last minute snack to make .

They literally took me just a few minutes to prepare and cook .

So thank you for watching this episode of Todd's Kitchen .

As always , I'll leave a list of ingredients down below in the description as well as links to my Facebook , Twitter , Instagram and Home handy hand channel and please do me a massive favor by giving this video a thumbs up , leave a comment and subscribe and I'll see you next time for another delicious recipe .


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