Welcome to my study today .
We're going to have a look at the apostrophe that shows us in our written work that something belongs to a noun .
Grammar professors call it the Saxon genitive .
But I think these days you hear more possessive case , I'll give you some exercises to practice it and I'll tell you an English joke to see that you've really understood how the apostrophe works .
At the end of the video , I'll give you some synonyms which will help you expand your vocabulary for your written work in exams .
First , we'll look at singular nouns .
Do we say the hat of the man is holding the dog of my friend was called Fido .
The tail of the horse is long or this ?
Well , in English , we really express it this way .
The man's hat is white .
My friend's dog was called Fido .
The horse's tail is long .
We use the apostrophe S to show possession or association mainly though for humans or animals , not so much for inanimate things .
And I'll explain that a little more later for plural lands , it's slightly different .
Do we say the house of the boys , the laughter of the girls or do we say this ?
The boy's house , the girl's laughter .
You notice the apostrophe follows the s but when words are plural already like women , men and Children , we simply use an apostrophe .
Women's so we could say the women's dresses , the men's race , the children's joke .
But there are some words that you must watch out for with groups or organizations like parliament .
We can express the possessive in two ways .
We can say the decision of parliament or parliament's decision with places .
We can do the same thing , the world's population or the population of the world .
But where we have more than one noun , we usually only put the apostrophe after the second one like this .
Peter and Susan's wedding .
Mr and Mrs Jones's house .
Now days of the week are important and most English people , I'm afraid get this wrong .
If I said I've got a week's holiday , you notice we have the apostrophe s after the word week , it's a single week and it's possessive .
He has three weeks .
Holiday weeks is plural .
So the apostrophe follows the s be careful with days of the week .
If I'm going to a shop in England , I tend to say I'm going to the greengrocer's notice the apostrophe at the end , not the greengrocer's shop , but I'm going to the greengrocer or I'm going to the butcher's here are some exercises for you to practice .
Notice that there are some special cases which I've shown like classical names and sometimes we can't make up our minds which one to use .
You may see both forms .
But if you come to London and you travel on the underground , you may see the station Saint James's Park , which you notice is spelt with an apostrophe .
S look at number three in exercise .
A , you notice it hasn't changed the leg of the table .
A table is inanimate so we tend not to use a possessive .
We don't say the table's leg .
That would sound rather strange to me .
In English , there are some exceptions , but you'll just have to watch out for those .
And now to test if you really understood , I'm going to give you the English joke .
A grammar professor goes to the market to buy some fruit .
He notices the spelling on the stall and he says to the owner , excellent spelling sir .
But carrots really .
And the owner says to the professor actually , Professor , I'm Mister Carrot .
If you understood that , perhaps you could explain it in the comments below .
Here are our synonyms for the verb to permit , allow , make possible , give permission , grant and accord .
Oh , goodness , this is at the time when I'm sorry , I really must go because I'm going to the dentist this afternoon .
Next time we'll look at adjectives of quality .
So I say goodbye .
Thanks for watching , please .
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