This shocked me , actually .
67% of calories kids eat come from ultra processed foods .
That's 2 thirds of all the calories that they consume .
That is mind blowing .
So what is an ultra processed calorie ?
Well , it's the industrial grains , all the processed grain products you see in the grocery store .
We have the sweet snacks .
They're ready to eat and they're ready to heat foods , foods high in added sugar , foods with trans fats , refined starches , like modified food starch , for example .
Now most of these foods are very , very high in carbohydrates but without very many nutrients .
So you have the situation where you have high oxidation .
That's like rusting out the inside of the body without any antioxidants that are supposed to protect all this free radical damage .
So this is where the heart disease comes in in the artery .
This is where you can be at risk for getting cancer and especially diabetes .
Now the problem with diabetes is that , normally , you're gonna have high insulin , which the doctors are never gonna check , for probably 20 years or 25 years before the blood sugars even go up .
So diabetes takes a long time to develop .
And when you're developing this condition , a lot of times , you don't even know it's brewing in the oven until it's in the later stages .
Now most of these calories are not eaten at home .
It's out of the house , fast food restaurants , that type of thing .
And the problem is when these kids eat these foods , they're just never satisfied , so they keep eating it over and over and over because they're highly addictive .
Now this study involved , age group between 2 19 years old , from 1999 to 2018 involving 30 3,000 participants .
Now in 1999 , when they started the study , the ultra processed calories encompassed 61% of the calories .
But in 2018 , it's 67% of their calories .
So it went up a bit .
So ultra processed would be the soft drinks , the chips , the chocolate , the candy , the ice cream , the sweetened breakfast cereals , which , by the way , are the most common things that kids consume .
Then we have packaged soups , chicken nuggets , very popular , hot dogs , fries .
Listen .
If your kids are consuming this , they need to get on the ketogenic diet .
There are so many wonderful desserts and foods that mimic some of these foods .
They're not identical .
They're similar .
So I would definitely get your kids involved .
This is a train wreck waiting to happen .
We have 2 thirds of our children eating these foods .
So , really , it's up to you and me to spread the word and , get these kids on a healthy version of the ketogenic diet .
I also put a link down below of some really good desserts that I think that your kids will like that don't have any sugar in them .
Thanks for watching .
Hey .
Before you go , if you're benefiting from any of my content , I would love to hear about your success story .
Please share it in the link down below .