Well , hello .
Today we're gonna talk about vitamin d in relationship to your immune system .
Now I had this idea that I already had this video , and I searched and I couldn't find it .
There may be a video out that I just can't find that I already did , but I'm just gonna do a video specifically on the immune system .
First thing you need to know is that vitamin d is intimately connected to every single immune reaction .
In fact , the white blood cells have the ability to make vitamin d active .
So vitamin d is very important .
In fact , viruses , as one of their strategies , is to downgrade or turn off the vitamin d receptor .
So you can't get any more vitamin d because apparently they know that vitamin d is very , very important .
And so that's one way that they thrive .
So vitamin d deficiencies occur when there's not enough sun right in the winter .
Why do you think we have the spike of flu and other , viral infections ?
It's because the vitamin d is low .
In fact , in the pandemic of 1918 , the Spanish flu .
It peaked in January , which is in the winter .
Now another thing that's interesting about the winter months or basically between November March , we have much higher incidence of autoimmune diseases like lupus , MS , type 1 diabetes , rheumatoid arthritis , irritable bowel disease .
Why ?
Because vitamin d is a natural kind of a steroid anti inflammatory , And so it has a key function in reducing inflammation .
When you have an autoimmune disease , the thing that really creates the damage is the inflammatory process .
So if you have enough d , you can have a lot less inflammation .
It's the inflammation that causes all the collateral damage .
And what's wild about this is our own body is creating damage .
And so that's just it's just really bizarre .
Vitamin d is a immunomodulator .
Okay ?
What does that mean , modulator ?
It means that it helps to normalize something that is too much or too little .
So it brings into a normal range .
And specifically , when we talk about like the cytokine storm where you have this hyper inflammatory condition , we have this overreaction , vitamin d can actually calm it down .
The key cell that's involved with suppressing this these cytokines or these inflammatory compounds is the t regulatory cell .
Next thing I wanna talk about is there's 2 compounds that your immune system makes as antimicrobials .
And both of these need vitamin d .
Vitamin d is essential in producing these two compounds .
The first one is called cathelicidins .
And cathelicidins are produced by the phagocytes , macrophages , and neutrophils to act as a weapon to kill off microbes .
And they tend to damage the wall of the cell , the cellular membrane of the pathogen , and punch a hole in it .
And if there's not enough vitamin d , you'll have just too much inflammation .
And one side effect would be psoriasis .
Many times people with psoriasis have gut problems and they can't absorb vitamin d , in which case they need to take higher doses .
Next chemical is defensin .
You need vitamin d to make defensin .
Defensin is needed in the mucus membranes .
Breast milk has defensin .
It's a very powerful antimicrobial .
If you don't have vitamin d , this can also get out of control , and it can create rosacea .
Another remedy for rosacea , which is like the , reddish cheeks , vitamin d .
Now before antibiotics , doctors used a vitamin d compound in cod liver oil as the remedy to help infections like TB , for example .
So cod liver oil was used .
Sun was recommended for TB .
But then it came antibiotics , and then the cod liver oil was no longer talked about except by your grandmother .
Cod liver oil is a really good source of vitamin d and vitamin a for the mucus membranes and omega 3 fatty acids , DHA and EPA .
But the sun not only gives you vitamin d but it has other properties too that can help lower infection .
There are therapeutic benefits from the UV , light and other wavelengths including infrared .
I just wanna give you an overall understanding of the importance of vitamin d and also let you know that it's virtually impossible to get your vitamin d from food .
You need to get it from sun , ideally .
And during the winter months , take it as a supplement .
See you in the next video .
Hey .
We're back .
With another amazing recipe .
No grains , no sugar , totally keto .
There's no suffering in keto .
Absolutely not , Karen .
And it's an immune system builder .
Absolutely .
You have to check this out .
I think you should hurry up , watch the recipe , and make it yourself .
It's just so easy to be keto .
But is it simple ?
It's super simple .
We hope you enjoy making it as much as we are enjoying eating it .