I've done so many videos on vitamin D .
And one thing that's just really important to know is that there is no way you're ever gonna get your vitamin D from your foods , and I'm gonna prove it in this video .
What you're looking at is a chart of the various foods that starting from high vitamin d to low vitamin d , but they all have a good amount of vitamin d .
Then I get into the quantity of vitamin d , and they're all based on international units .
And then in the last column , I show you how much of that specific food you would have to consume on a daily basis to achieve what I think is a good level of vitamin D as a maintenance , and that would be 10,000 IUs of vitamin D .
Some of you are new to my channel and you're listening to this and going , wait a second , that's a toxic amount .
I put a few videos down below so you can get more information on that and realize that 10,000 IUs is not toxic .
And there's very specific reasons why you need that much .
Alright .
So let's start with mackerel .
Okay ?
You would need 10 servings .
Each serving is 3 ounces .
Okay ?
You would need 10 servings of this every day to achieve your requirements .
Then we have salmon , wild caught salmon .
You need 10 servings .
That's 30 ounces of salmon .
I don't really know anyone that can consume that much per day .
Then we have mushrooms .
You would have to eat 14 cups of mushrooms , which is that's gonna be difficult .
But the problem with mushrooms is they're not giving vitamin D3 .
They're gonna give you vitamin D2 , which you're not gonna nearly get the absorption or the amounts that you need with vitamin D2 .
You really need vitamin D3 .
All right .
Then we have trout .
You would need 15 servings .
It's 42 ounces , Impossible to consume .
Then we have farm fed salmon .
You would need 18 servings .
Impossible .
Cod liver oil , 22 teaspoons .
Wow .
It's not going to happen .
All right .
Canned tuna , 32 servings .
That's 129.5 ounces .
That's 32 cans .
Okay .
32 cans , 129.5 ounces .
Try to consume that in a day .
Then we have herring , that would be 46 servings .
That's 56 ounces , impossible .
Yogurt , you need 65 cups , not gonna happen .
Beef liver , 238 servings , impossible .
And then we get egg yolks , 270 eggs , I don't think so .
So anyway , definitely consume these foods , but get your vitamin d from sun or a supplement .
So if you're enjoying my content , which I hope you are , and you're applying this knowledge to your health and you have a success , I'd really appreciate you sharing your success story .
So click the link down below to my website where you can upload your success story so you can help inspire others .