Hey .
It's me again .
In this video , we're gonna talk about a special , situation with diabetes type 1 .
Okay ?
And potassium .
There's a kind of a rare situation in which your potassium levels in your blood go too high with diabetes type 1 .
I wanna explain how that works .
Insulin controls potassium in the cell .
So if you have more insulin , there'll be more potassium that goes in the cell .
Now , if you have insulin resistance , it's not gonna go in the cell because it's blocked .
Okay ?
But normally , insulin drives potassium in the cell where it should be stored .
98% of all your potassium in your body is inside the cell , not outside the cell or even in your blood .
You only have 2% in your blood .
So in diabetes type 1 , where you don't 2% in your blood .
So in diabetes type 1 , where you don't have enough insulin , k , because you have to inject yourself , that means that you can't drive the potassium in the cell anymore .
So inside the cell , you're gonna have very low amounts of a potassium test .
And it checks all the minerals .
But I think that's very important because if you go to the doctor and you get your blood tested , and it's high , that doesn't necessarily mean , it's high in the cell .
Okay ?
It means it's high in the blood .
Why ?
Because you don't have enough insulin to drive it in the cell .
So we have this situation where the cell is starving of potassium , but it's all just loaded up in the blood .
It's called hyper too much calemia or potassium .
It's rare .
Only 1% of the , people in the hospital have it .
More commonly , it's hypo calemia , low potassium .
But it's very rare , and it but it can happen , especially if you're taking massive quantities of potassium in your type 1 , and your your body is just not working .
It's not able to drive it in the cell .
I mean , the symptoms are palpitations , muscle pain , muscle weakness , numbness .
I highly , it's highly unlikely that you're gonna get this condition from consuming vegetables .
Okay ?
Even if you had 7 to 10 cups of vegetables a day .
It's usually if you're doing massive amounts of like 5000 , 10000 milligrams of potassium .
So I just wanna bring your awareness up that if you're a diabetic type 1 , potentially , your potassium could rise and you could have a problem , especially if you're trying to increase it .
And then you should just know that that's the function of insulin is to drive potassium in the cell .
But because you don't have enough , it's not going in the cell , creating a situation .
Okay ?
So , again , I think the most important thing to do is if you have any of these symptoms and if you're concerned about it , get a blood test .
See if it is high .
It might not be .
But definitely also get an intracellular test to measure how much potassium and other minerals are inside the cell because that's that'll give you more data .
Alright ?
Thanks for watching .
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