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2024-10-13 10:38:52

How You Can Achieve ANYTHING | Zen Motivational Story

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Once upon a time , there lived a young boy named Koji .

Koji was always curious about the world around him and sought answers to life's big questions .

One day , he heard about the wise Zen master who lived atop the tallest hill in the village .

Determined to learn from the master , Koji climbed up the hill and found the Zen temple where the master resided .

With eager eyes and a hopeful heart , Koji approached the master and asked master how can I find Zen ?

The master , a gentle old man with a twinkle in his eye , smiled at Koji's enthusiasm .

10 years , he replied calmly .

Koji's determination only grew stronger .

But what if I work even harder , master ?

How soon can I find zen then ?

The master paused for a moment before answering , 20 years .

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Confused but undeterred , Koji persisted , master , what if I devote myself entirely to the practice ?

How long would it take then ?

With a wise nod , the master replied , 30 years .

Koji's spirit sank and he couldn't help but express his confusion .

Master , I don't understand .

The more I promise to work hard , the longer it seems to take .

Why is that ?

The master looked at Koji with a serene smile .

When you have one eye fixed on the goal , you have only one eye on your path , he explained gently .

Koji pondered the master's words for a moment , realizing the wisdom hidden within them .

He understood that focusing solely on the end result wouldn't lead him to true understanding .

Instead , he needed to embrace the journey itself with all its ups and downs .

Imagine you're climbing a big tall tree .

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Your goal is to reach the top to grab the ripe , juicy fruit waiting there .

But here's the thing if you keep looking up at the fruit and thinking about how delicious it will taste when you finally get it , you might lose your balance and fall .

Instead , focus on each step you take as you climb .

Pay attention to where you place your hands and feet , feel the rough bark under your fingers , and breathe in the fresh air around you .

Enjoy the process of climbing , knowing that with every step you're getting closer to your goal .

In life , it's like climbing that tree .

If you focus too much on the reward at the end , you might miss out on the journey itself .

So whether you're learning something new , practicing a skill , or working towards a goal , remember to focus on the effort you put in along the way .

Enjoy the process , learn from it , and celebrate every step forward you take .

Because sometimes , the true reward lies in the effort itself .

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