Hi , guys .
In this video , we're gonna talk about why potassium is so important in to your body .
Okay ?
The more deficient you are in potassium , the more the pancreas has to pump out insulin .
So it puts a lot more stress on the pancreas .
And if you're diabetic , this is not a good thing .
So potassium is the nutrient that is needed the most in the body .
You need close to 5 1 , 000 milligrams .
Potassium is a mineral , and you need large amounts of it .
It's needed in almost every single cell , for energy because there's a pump in the cell that generates energy .
And if you're deficient in potassium , you are gonna be tired .
Potassium is also needed to make muscle protein .
It's needed to make other types of protein as well .
It's also used to store glucose as glycogen , which basically is a string of glucose molecules in a chain , but each molecule of glucose needs potassium .
And so all the cells have glycogen except the brain and the red blood cell .
Okay ?
And that's why your brain is dependent on how much sugar is in blood .
And if there's not enough sugar in your blood , it will create , all sorts of symptoms like , fatigue and moodiness and , mainly kind of brain fog .
Now , junk food depletes potassium .
Okay ?
It's very heavy on sodium , but very low on potassium .
Adrenal stress , which means high cortisol , will also deplete potassium .
The combination of both is not good .
Insulin resistance , which is a prediabetes , and diabetes will block your ability to absorb potassium because 1 of the functions of insulin is to help absorb potassium .
So if you have insulin resistance , you're not going to absorb it .
So now you the requirement is even higher .
But by taking potassium , getting it from the diet , you can decrease the need for , insulin and help someone that has diabetes .
So if you're insulin resistant or you're diabetic and you're not consuming enough potassium , you're probably not gonna overcome the blood sugar situation .
Okay .
So what's the significance of this ?
It means that our bodies require a large quantity of vegetable , okay , to be healthy .
So if you're a prediabetic or diabetic and you're consuming maybe 1 cup of vegetable per day , that's not gonna cut it .
And , also , if you're taking a supplement that has 99 milligrams of potassium , it's not gonna even come close .
You would have to consume about , what , 47 pills a day .
So because insulin is involved in so many problems health wise , to be healthy , you must consume minimally 7 cups to 10 cups of vegetables or salad every single day .
K .
There's just no shortcuts .
So so now you know what to do , so go ahead and do it .
Hey , guys .
A lot of you already have my book .
Some of you don't .
But this new edition called the new body type guide is an upgrade from my last edition called the 7 principles of fat burning .
It has a 156 images , 378 pages , full glossary .
I talk about keto , intermittent fasting , the body types in detail .
I have a new stress chapter .
I'm gonna show you exactly what to eat and a comprehensive FAQ .
I put a link down below .
Check it out .