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2024-06-02 16:27:29

People Who Want You Gone Have Names and Addresses [Sam Hyde]

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There is a certain group of people that wants your genetics to disappear .

The best tricks are the oldest tricks .

Who's your oldest buddy ?

I think the government made the plague on purpose to get rid of the population growth .

Water droplets in my truck had bubbles in them , and they left like a residue .

Oh , boy .

Oh , boy .

Here's the future brain surgeons and rocket scientists of America making me late to work .

The worst thing you could do is go live in the woods .

You know , wake up every morning and look out in the field with the morning dew .

White people have a learning disability .

You're like this cartoon .

In 1900 , 90% of Americans were self employed .

Now it's about 2% .

I'm thinking it's time we gotta take the cities back .

You're not allowed to crap on the sidewalk .

Pull up your pants and get the hell out of here .

Most people should not exist .

Exist .

You would not have seen that 15 years ago .

Hey , yo .

Tyler Ben Kaye , 14:7:7 .

I stop you .

I stop you .

Really anything external .

At some point , it's gonna be be violated .

It's intentional to lower the quality of life .

It's called consolidation .

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Strengthen governments and corporations , weaken individuals .

Like , yeah , you have to be armored up .

World control agenda is pretty pretty open .

End state of Brazilian favelas will be here 20 years sooner .

So what are people gonna do about it ?

With taxes , this can be done imperceptibly over time .

UBI is here .

We got it .

Congratulations .

Where do you see America in the next decade ?

A slow slide into looking like Brazil , stratification of the rich paying for security , gated communities , fences , stuff like that , and , favelas , but with more corporate branding .

So your favela will be sponsored by Yoplait .

I got denied for military disability after serving in an Afghan village .

Is there a lawyer you can go see about getting your disability ?

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Listen , I don't want any anybody who's like , oh , I'd be take take the moral high road .

You don't wanna be on welfare .

That's not your friend .

Okay ?

That's a guy that's an idea that's an ideological guy .

That's a guy who's got a point to prove .

That's Johnny .

My hands hurt from working so hard .

Okay ?

That's not me .

Alright ?

If you're down and out right now , you need a buck .

Welfare .

You need well , get the get the welfare .

Okay ?

Everybody else all you're doing is you're accelerating the collapse of society .

It's not it's not a karmically positive or negative thing .

It just means that the , end state of Brazilian favelas will be here 20 years sooner .

And , hopefully , you'll at least have a a generator and some diesel fuel when that comes around .

So go get go talk to a lawyer , a welfare lawyer .

Become a problem .

Become a problem for the state .

That's if you live in in a in New York City , in New York Yeah .

California .

If you live in a small town in Wyoming , don't do that .

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But if you live somewhat in one of these Sodom and Gomorrah places , become a huge problem for the people around you ?

That's my advice .

Scratching .

We should get scratching .

Yeah .

Yeah .

This is all this is all a waste of time if we're broken .

We're not rolling .

Heavy pinball wizard 100,000 heavy .

What do you think of Charles' targeted and intentional homeless theory in big cities ?

I feel I feel like that's not even a conspiracy theory .

I feel like you can find documents to back that up .

Is that my is that my imagination or or not ?

That's that's the idea that the One of the reasons why there are these homeless people everywhere trying to stick a knife inside you .

It's intentional to lower the quality of life and increase the sort of psychic chaos , that that is part and parcel of living in a big city .

And , yeah .

I think that that's I think that that's , it's not it's not even it's not a stretch to say that that's intentional .

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I don't I don't I'm not as comfortable drawing the line between what's intentional and what is just a a byproduct of ineptitude and , the the inefficiency that comes with with scale and the and the the misaligned incentives for for politicians .

Like a poll The political power is a The effect that it has on the brain is the same effect that like Coke has on a on a brain , which is why Coke and crack and and , drugs like this go go hand in hand , sometimes with , people who are in positions of power disproportionately sort of based .

If you're looking at , you know , a white person in a high income bracket , it doesn't make sense that they'd be doing crap .

But you you see it disproportionately with , politicians and one the reason for that or one reason for that is that the effect that political power has on the brain is the same effect that Coke has .

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The , Ukrainian guy , he's always sniffling and and , it's been said multiple times by many people that the the person who would be a , politically perfect leader is like the the person who wants the job the least .

And I don't I don't know how I don't think that that's necessarily the case , but it's like it it does underline the fact that the the incentives are not at all aligned with what the desired result should be .

You guys are young .

It wasn't this way 15 years ago .

You you wouldn't be walking around a nice city 15 years ago and have a crazy guy walking around going , hey yo , Tyler Ben Kent , 14 status 10 .

This white man trying to kill me .

You .

You wouldn't have seen you would not have seen that 15 years ago unless you were in the most abject ghetto .

What's what are they gonna do out there ?

Come in here and and start I would I would love that .

I would love it .

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Hey yo , 1471 , telemedicate his whiteboard trying to scam it .

Yeah ?

It's you don't you wouldn't you wouldn't go 15 , 20 years ago if you walked around London , England .

You wouldn't have heard , I stop you .

I stop you .

So , yeah , it's intentional .

When is it gonna get when it's gonna turn violent ?

That's my question .

Because these people are they're they're around .

That's what it makes me wonder .

It makes one it makes gives one pause .

Makes one wonder when will be the first , first shot .

Because I think they're the world control agenda is pretty pretty open .

So what are people gonna do about it ?

I'm excited waiting to see .

I'm gonna have my popcorn ready .

May you live in interesting times .

That's the Chinese proverb .

And also you don't have like typhoid .

We're also in like the cushiest , most Yeah .

Insulated age of humanity , so recognize that too .

The grass is always greener .

You know ?

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So just you have to do what you can with what you have .

That's all you can do .

You what , mate , with the 25 , says Sam , what are your thoughts on San Francisco's board , open to reparations with the $5,000,000 lump sum to every black adult in the city ?

I'm not even scrolling Google Earth .

That's great .

Then they should do 10,000,000 .

Anything to make us hyper and invoiced faster , I'm down with .

Accelerationism .

Give them all 10,000,000 and then make it worth nothing so that your 10,000,000 buys you a plasma screen .

So it's just the at the end of the day , the reparations is just you get a plasma screen TV .

They should give them plasma screen TVs and then give a bill for 5,000,000 .

Yeah .

And I mean we've been affirmative action and welfare , the welfare state .

They I don't think they've helped anybody but that's that's been we've been doing reparations .

Incentivizing people to have , have babies and not know who the partner is .

I think that's a terrible idea , but , we've been paying .

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And nobody nobody who's alive owes any of these people .

Nobody who is alive nowadays owes any of these people anything .

Remember that .

You don't you do not owe anybody anything .

Could you pretend to be black to get some money ?

Yeah .

Do that too .

It's time to pull out every every trick in the book .

Do you think UBI will happen soon or just chaos or a mixture ?

Well , I think we have a we have a kinda like soft UBI , which is the limitless capital for company for huge tech companies that trickles down into them being able to hire a 1000000 warehouse workers Yeah .

And , like , your ability to go get a job for 20 an hour .

That's the form that UBI is taking in this country .

I think just culturally , it's it's too unpopular of an idea to have explicit UBI , but there already is implicit UBI .

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Like , most people most people should not exist , like , given their given their , like , usefulness and their I'm not saying I'm not saying kill them .

I'm just saying , like Naturally , it wouldn't happen .

This like , 2 thirds of the country would starve to death if it wasn't if it weren't set up the way it is right now .

So we UBI is here .

We got it .

Congratulations .

Next 15 years does not look good , does it , though ?

I think that true instability I think that the instability that we see on , in the media is not not the real deal .

And I think that true instability because true instability little stressful and definitely stressed the United States .

Nevertheless , it's a little little stressful looking .

It'll definitely stress you out if you pay attention to it .

Trades and knowing how to do stuff is gonna be a lot more valuable .

I think that , anybody who's moving forward , anybody who's competent and , like , savvy enough , be on your a game , I guess , is what I would say .

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I think we'll have more great video games .

We definitely are gonna have way more great video games .

A lot of them .

Sam , what are your thoughts on anti natalism ?

The belief that procreation is morally wrong .

I'm still young , 22 , but feel like having kids is a bad idea seeing how the future is working .

Shut up , bitch .

We need warriors .

I don't I don't mean that in a bad way , but just Yeah .

Shut up , bitch .

Wait .

Stop being , just shut up .

Who's gonna fight in our holy war ?

They just don't you're not you're not smart enough to think about that type of problem .

You're just regurgitating some headline or something some some college professor .

You're just repeating something you heard .

How much land is unused in the US ?

The continental US and the vast majority is undeveloped , only 69,000,000 acres only .

3.6% is urban .

Shut up .

It's just noise .

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It's a certain type of people trying there's there's there is a certain group of people that wants you your genetics to disappear .

There's a certain type of mindset that these college college academics , media people , these these high up the high tier ivory tower people .

It's just neurotic bull and you don't need to listen to it .

So there's 34100 people watching .

Every if everyone went and caused a pregnancy tonight .

If everyone sent me $10 and then caused the when caused the pregnancy tonight , we'd be in good shape .

We would think about that .

Think about that .

If everyone sent me $10 , we'd actually be in pretty good shape right now .

I mean , first of all , it's none of your business .

Like , what are you gonna fix ?

2nd of all , you're like this cartoon .

And 3rd of all , the the the only thing you can control is , like , what is around you .

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Take care of the people around you and become that's why you lift weights is so you can become strong to protect people .

Just focus on local .

Focus on your circle and and , helping the people that are , like , loyal to you .

Don't don't worry about the bigger stuff because it's all rigged anyway .

I think re , withdrawing from society unless you , you know , there's a reason to do that .

But if you have youthful , bigger male vitality essence , I'm thinking it's time we gotta take the cities back .

These nuisances walking around on the street .

Overheard somebody , on the phone screaming about a single cigarette .

I gave you that weed so we could smoke together .

3 feet away from us screaming into her phone .

And really anything external .

At some point , it's gonna be be violated by name it , train train derailment .

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I was just I was in I was living in the woods and having the best life , and I would wake up every morning and look out in the field with the morning dew , and then a train derailed and the river turned black .

East Palestine cover up is so bonkers .

He's just posting how they modified the , toxicology profile for vinyl chloride , like , days before the derailment .

Oh my god .

Lately , when these things are happening , I'm , like , erring on the side of oh , it's probably just like a coincidence or it's like No .

It's your first name .

There's no way that There's no way all these trains and factories are getting blown up and it's a coincidence .

How much , chloride is on Rhode Island ?

Well , they we had acid rain .

Really ?

Yeah .

Water droplets in my truck had bubbles in them and they left like a residue .

And , Julian and Laker had the same thing .

Like , yeah , you have to be armored up .

You have to be adaptable .

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You have to have some Nike ACG boots on .

You have to have a liquid bank account , multiple forms in case they seize your shit .

You have to have the armor on .

If you're a man , you have to .

Because everything else it's at some point , you're gonna get violated by some freak freak show clown world , assassin .

I've been around most of the United States , and I've seen most of what there is , on offer .

And , the main thing is that I would like some degree of agitation .

I feel like if you go into the woods or if you're surrounded by an idyllic countryside , they might even have more lawn signs in New Hampshire that say , in this house , we believe science is science .

I get the the you wanna go be surrounded by white people , but white people have a learning disability .

If I was in New Hampshire and I was I had bought a I bought a farm in the middle of the woods and I was ready to make or cut my own firewood and I was driving around .

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I and I had , like , remove I had made the decision to remove myself from society , and I saw , like , someone with a planned parenthood bumper , so I I would someone .

If I lived in New Hampshire and I had a gun and I saw people driving around with That was all love is love .

I'd I'd shoot somebody .

This this stimulus is the information .

Like , living in a ghetto , it's not the worst place in the world .

It's not like Harlem .

It's not you're not gonna get killed .

Like , some guy , total total his total the suburban and OxyContins in my driveway .

Yeah .

So it's like I look outside and I see , oh , what are they up to today ?

And when I see when I see a school bus full of these kids , I think , oh , oh , boy , oh , boy .

There there's the , rocket scientist transport making me late .

Here we go again .

Here's the future brain surgeons and rocket scientists of America making me late to work .

If you want to be a comedian , I think if you wanna be a comedian , the best thing you could do is probably work at a call center .

His dog .

The worst thing you could do is go live in the woods and chop firewood and be nature man .

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Because you're gonna lose touch with actuality fast and you're gonna get comfortable .

And I'd like to be comfortable someday but right now , I need to be living on the edge of my fear as David Data says , real name David Greenberg .

I wonder why he chose David Data sounds so cool and sexy .

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