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2023-12-12 03:52:47

Where To Find AI Voice Models_ (RIP AI Hub)

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If you've been doing A I voice conversion , you've probably heard of this Discord called A I hub , which was a great place to find voice models created by other users .

Well , that's totally shut down now due to copyright issues and many of our viewers have been asking about where to go now .

So today I'm gonna show you the best places to find A I voice models .

These are all free and they have all the voice models that used to be in A I hub .

So you're not gonna miss out on anything .

Let's get started with hugging Face .

This is a platform where users can upload pre trained A I models and this includes voice models .

So if you head on over to the models tab , you can simply search for whoever's voice you want and see if they're available .

For example , if you type in Gura you'll get all these results .

Now , you can see some of them might not be voice models .

They could be for image generation , for example .

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So to only filter the voice models , you can add RVC at the end of your search hugging face is also a great place to find checkpoints and Laura for image generation .

So definitely check it out .

All right , the next tool is called voice models .

I'll leave a link to the site in the description below .

This is really straightforward .

All you need to do is search for a voice or find one on this list .

So if we search Gura again , you can see all these results .

This is basically a table of voices and where to download them .

So they don't store any of the voice models themselves .

You can see that a lot of them are sourced from hugging face .

But this is just a much cleaner and easier interface for you to search for voice models .

Only now .

The previous two tools , hugging face and voice models , they're all right , but they don't really have images .

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This could lead to problems if for example , you're searching for a singer , but there's actually multiple singers with the same name .

So how do you know you're picking the right one ?

Wouldn't it be nice if like the original A I hub , you could see images of the person as well as the likes and comments for each voice model .

So you can see which ones are the most popular .

Well , you can do just that with this next platform which is called waits dot GG again , let's try searching Gura and see what we get .

You can see the number of lights and comments on each one which can help you decide which model is best for you .

The only thing is before you can download a model , you do need to sign up for an account , which is slightly annoying .

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Finally , I also found a really cool Google spreadsheet that tracks all the voice models in real time and the number of downloads that each one gets , I'd really like to give credit to whoever made this , but I couldn't find any info .

So if you know who made this , let me know in the comments below .

Since this is basically a backup of the data from A I hub , I suspect this was created by one of the moderators there .

You can see this resource is really cool because it gives you alternative download links in case one of them doesn't work .

Also , you can see the number of downloads so you can determine which models are the most popular .

Let's try searching for Gura here .

Now searching on this spreadsheet is a bit more complicated .

One way to do it is to press control f at least on windows and then find a Gura model .

But the problem with this is if you don't want to use this one , you need to keep pressing next next next .

And it's just a pain to find things that way .

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So another way to do this is to go to data and then filter views and then create a temporary filter view , hover over the filter icon next to the file .

Name and then press that and then under the filter by condition select text contains and then we can enter Gura here press OK .

And then you can see that it only filters the results where the file name contains Gura .

Again , this is a bit more complicated step compared to the other three platforms I mentioned .

So keep that in mind and there you have it here are four platforms that you can use to find A I voice models and all of them have most if not all of the models that used to be in A I hub .

So don't worry , you're not missing out on anything .

It's also important to note that some of our viewers have been asking about this Discord called A I Hub Brazil to clarify .

This is not the original A I hub for voice models .

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So you're not gonna find anything in here if you found this video , helpful , remember to like share and destroy that subscribe button .

Also , we built a site where you can search for all the A I tools out there .

Check it out at A I dash search dot IO .

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