Let's talk about the basics of how to burn fat .
It's very important , and this is not about cutting calories .
This is about your hormones .
If you understand the hormones that burn fat and how to trigger them versus the hormones that store fat and how to avoid triggering those , you can be very successful .
I mean , it blows me away when someone goes to the doctor .
They go to an endocrinologist , and they assess their hormones .
And they might say that you have low testosterone , so we're gonna give you testosterone .
But what about the diet ?
That is rarely talked about .
But today , I'm gonna talk about natural things to either increase or decrease your hormones related to one thing , fat burning .
Out of all the hormones related to fat burning is this hormone called insulin .
It's made by the pancreas .
It does a lot of things .
But one of the main things it does is it helps you store fat .
Let's take a look at this book right here called medical physiology .
In the absence of insulin , all of the effects of insulin causing storage of fat are reversed .
So if we wanna increase fat burning , we must lower insulin .
You cannot burn fat if insulin is too high .
You can be doing all these other things to increase all the fat burning hormones .
But if this fat making hormone called insulin is elevated , it nullifies all of the other hormones that help you lose weight .
This is why this information is very important because let's say , for example , you go to the gym or you're exercising .
Right ?
And then you have this pre workout protein bar that's loaded with sugar .
You basically nullified your ability to burn fat .
Or let's say you're working out and you drink your Gatorade filled with glucose .
You just nullified that workout .
The other really interesting thing about insulin is all it takes is a little bit of carb to block a lot of weight loss for a period of time .
So let's say , for example , I don't know , every other day , you drink a little bit of wine or maybe you a piece of bread , just a little bit of carbohydrate .
Your ability to burn fat just went way down .
Now it could take 24 hours or longer to burn fat .
You can't just sorta do it a little bit .
You have to just be all in and do it for a period of time to see the results .
When we talk about what triggers insulin , we have carbohydrates .
Okay ?
What are carbohydrates ?
You have starches , you have fiber and sugars .
Fiber is the only one that will not elevate insulin .
So you don't have to worry about foods very , very high in fiber , like green vegetables , like salad .
They have so much fiber , so little starch that it's not gonna elevate insulin hardly at all .
But typically , you wanna aim for less than 50 grams of carbs per day , not per meal , per day .
But if you really wanna speed it up , I would bring it down to , like , 20 or even less than 20 carbs per day .
The other thing that elevates insulin is eating in general .
It's better to eat less frequent .
So this is called intermittent fasting .
It's not just the carbs .
It's not just the frequency of eating that causes the elevation of insulin .
It is also the seed oils .
They basically trigger insulin resistance .
They create a lot of inflammation , a lot of cellular damage .
And out of all the things that parallel the trend of obesity , it's the seed oils that parallel obesity the most , which is interesting .
Be careful at restaurants .
It's in salad dressing .
The other thing that elevates insulin is MSG , monosodium glutamate .
There's a debate with monosodium glutamate .
I mean , there's if you look this up , it'll say , oh , yeah .
No .
It doesn't elevate insulin .
It won't cause weight gain .
Have you ever been to , a fast food restaurant where they just load you up with MSG or even like a Chinese restaurant , what you're gonna notice is that about an hour later , you are hungry , and it's a lot of hidden sodium , which is gonna make you thirsty .
And if we trick the brain into thinking it's getting some protein when it's really not , you know , within probably an hour and a half , you're gonna , like , start craving something .
The next hormone is estrogen .
Estrogen can make you fat too .
If you've ever heard about estrogen dominance , that's like a woman that has excess weight in the lower part of her body .
And you can elevate estrogen by giving someone birth control pills , hormone replacement therapy , things like that .
Alright .
The 3rd hormone to talk about is Cortisol .
Very important .
I'm gonna show you this book right here .
This is called Encyclopedia of Medical Illustrations Endocrine System .
Okay .
Let's take a look at this right here .
You see this guy right here ?
See that belly ?
It's coming from the adrenals .
So the adrenal glands are pumping out the stress hormone called Cortisol , and it's pushing the fat in the midsection .
Let's take a look at this one right here , too .
Boom .
This is too much cortisol .
You can see the belly .
So the body is going to grab protein from the leg and the Glutimus Maximus , which is your butt muscle , and convert that into sugar and then fat right in the belly .
When you go through stress or you take prednisone , which is a synthetic version of Cortisol , you can gain a lot of weight .
Not just in your belly , but in your face too .
Like they call it a moon face .
So cortisol directs the fat more in the midsection , more than any other place around the gut as a survival mechanism .
You also sometimes will get a buffalo hump in the back of your upper back .
And this Cortisol will also nullify the fat burning hormones .
Okay .
Which I'm gonna talk about next .
Like testosterone .
And also , and this is very important , insulin will nullify all of your fat burning hormones .
How do we lower insulin ?
And this is , like , the most important action .
Number 1 , to lower insulin , you must lower your carbohydrate below 50 grams .
I would lower it below 20 grams per day .
I would do intermittent fasting .
Okay .
Eat less frequently .
I would also take apple cider vinegar in your water .
I would consume berberine .
It kind of , mimics the medication Metformin , which has to do with controlling insulin resistance , but without the side effects .
Okay ?
Cinnamon is another really good herb as well .
Alright .
And then estrogen .
It's just about avoiding estrogen , avoiding things that mimic estrogen .
That would be like , certain chemicals in the environment .
So you wanna do more organic .
And then Cortisol .
How do we lower Cortisol ?
Stress reduction .
Physical work around the house to get your attention off stress .
Go for long walks .
Take vitamin b one .
All of those are very important , but there's one more , vitamin d .
Vitamin d will help you lower cortisol .
Alright .
Let's switch over to the fat burning hormones .
Okay .
There are 2 main hormones that kinda work together .
Growth hormone , which is also an antiaging hormone , and another hormone called IGF number 1 , insulin like growth factor number 1 .
It's a similar function to growth hormone .
Probably the best , ultimate workout would be sprinting with growth hormone and IGF number 1 , intense exercise , good sleeping , moderate protein , and intermittent fasting .
The next hormone is testosterone .
Here's a hormone that a lot of men are taking , and you can increase it by making sure that you either consume foods high in , Zinc or make sure you're eating enough cholesterol .
Cholesterol is the building block of testosterone and other hormones .
So if you're on a statin or if you're on a low saturated fat diet , you could be starting off your testosterone .
The next fat burning hormone , Glucagon .
Glucagon will be nullified when you increase insulin .
Glucagon is triggered by a moderate amount of protein and intense exercise , very similar to growth hormone in IGF number 1 .
Alright .
The next one is adrenaline .
Adrenaline is increased with exercise .
Adrenaline is also a neurotransmitter .
And then you have the thyroid hormones , t 3 .
That's the active form of the thyroid hormone .
The way that you increase thyroid hormone is to remove the things that are blocking the thyroid hormone , like a fatty liver , like a problem with your kidney , like an iodine deficiency , or a selenium deficiency , or an estrogen dominant situation .
Because if you have too much estrogen , that can block your thyroid .
But the thing you need to know about exercise is that exercise really only contributes to about 15% of your overall weight loss .
However , it can really greatly lower your stress and help you sleep to really make this whole program work .
So even though it contributes 15% , if you don't exercise , my viewpoint is it's gonna take a lot longer to get where you need to go .
Based on this information , you now know how to burn fat , and you know the relative importance between the fat burning hormones and the fat making hormones , especially insulin and Cortisol .
Those are the dominating hormones that will nullify the rest .
Now since we're on the topic of weight loss , there's one more associated condition that's very important to get a full understanding on , and that is insulin resistance .
I put the video up on that right here .
Check it out .