Hi .
Welcome to the octopus world .
Today guys , we're gonna make grilled octo .
Welcome to the seafood world .
Isn't it amazing that we still have today unknown species living in the ocean ?
That's quite amazing .
And some of them are really really ugly .
It doesn't mean they taste bad , right ?
And , that's what we are going to figure out today .
And , this is a 6 pound weird animal .
Don't look at me like that , dude .
Okay .
I'm scared now .
So what you wanna do first , you want to make 2 cuts right above and below the eyes , and discard .
Save the hood and spray the tentacles to locate the beak .
Push it up from underneath .
It will pop out cleanly .
Rinse the beast thoroughly and pat dry .
Next , you wanna make a nice cut in between each tentacle and rub in spices , such as a mexican chorizo seasoning made of cumin , cayenne , salt , oregano , garlic and onion .
Today , we are going to experiment sous vide cooking .
It's used in many high end restaurants by chefs .
Also known as low temperature long time , LTLT cooking is a procedure in which food is placed in a plastic push and cooked in water bath for longer than usual cooking times in a accurately regulated temperature .
The intent it's to cook each item to the right doneness .
It cannot be more consistent .
Octo is taking a bath .
It's gonna cook for 5 hours at 107 degrees fahrenheit , 77 degrees Celsius .
Plenty of time to do something else .
Stay tuned .
By the time Octo is having fun in his spa resort , I'm gonna make some prep for my roasted potatoes .
We're gonna be making later and our lemon vinaigrette .
For the lemon vinaigrette , you want to give an emulsion with , the lemon juice and the extra virgin olive oil first .
Then you wanna throw some shallots , lemon confit or zest if you don't have any .
Add salt , a bit of sugar , cayenne and capers .
And you can throw some chopped thyme and fresh oregano if you want .
I heard you , Octo is ready to get out .
Look at how much liquid we have now .
Incredible .
Let me scale it and see how much meat is left .
So it's a wild caught octopus from Spain .
So we had 3 kilograms , to begin with , £6 .
And now , only £2.2 , 1 kilogram .
Are you kidding ?
Maiscee larnac ceutruquarantous .
Next , I'm gonna cook my potatoes , sous vide , oui madame , with a fresh ginger , garlic , salt and some butter .
Cryovac and slow cook for 2 and a half hours at 185 degrees Fahrenheit 85 degrees Celsius .
Remove from the bag and let cool .
You could definitely roast your potatoes straight in the oven .
Though , I just want to show you another alternative .
Meanwhile , I'm going to dice some chorizo .
Cut my potatoes in half and wrap them with olive oil spices , the same I used for ochdo .
Chopped thyme and oregano in a hot frying pan .
You want to seal the potatoes face side down with , some olive oil and butter .
And I'm gonna finish with some chorizo and parsley .
It's gonna look fantastic and taste fantastic .
Yet , by cooking potatoes sous vide first , it ends up looking brand new and cooked to the perfect doneness .
Exactly the same protocol , while cooking meat sous vide , you give a good sear right before serving .
The result is quite sensational .
Now , we are going to grill Octo over a red hot grill or barbecue .
Mark on both side and brush with the chorizo fat left in the frying pan .
How fantastic .
Serve hot .
Bon appetit mes amis and I hope you have enjoyed this grilled octopus episode .
To get the full recipe , measurements and all of the details you need , go to bruno'skitchen.net .
For now , please subscribe , like my page on Facebook and follow me on Twitter , Instagram and Pinterest at brineaualbous .
Have a beautiful day and see you next time .
A spider .
Could you believe it ?