Why should I waste my time listening ?
Because I have a right to be , and I have a voice .
Goddamn people are dying , and y'all are all up there afraid that we're gonna find an alternative without you .
Yeah .
She's got a grenade .
She's got an RKG Russian grenade .
You can say it to the kid .
Abracadabra .
Mal , the candles .
We don't have any candles .
Hi , Georgie .
What a nice boat .
Oh my god .
What what did you do ?
Right up Main Street .
Ah .
Ah .
Street too stupid .
Worth it .
I'm just a crazy slut with a dead husband .
Forget it .
Shut the fuck up .
Let it go .
Let it go .
Can't hold you back anymore .
And , yeah , you've had a run of bad luck , but things are gonna change for you .
I can feel it .
That's you operating the flame throw .
He was your sweet ass .
It was .
Yeah .
Yeah .
You don't spurs .
She gonna be arrested .
Sheriff Carr , they're trying to gain access to the registration office .
You're nothing .
I got the size .
Look at that shit .
I got size .
I got blades .
Look at my shit .
This ain't nothing .
And act like you belong here .
Perfect .
Well , Abby , I'm a cowboy .
Bang .
Bang .
Bang .
Bang .
Shoot , shoot , shoot .
Bullet , bullet gun .
Mortgage backed securities , subprime loans , tranches .
Does it make you feel bored or stupid ?
Well , it's supposed to .
So here's Margot Robbie in a bubble bath to explain .
For the glory of god , god is present everywhere in every plant , every river , every tiny insect .
Oh , it's alright , mister Brown .
This is my friend , Knuckles .
Go here .
And this is Phibbs .
Good day , Spoon .
Hello .
Give me the snitch .
Alright .
T bone .
What a strange girl you are .
Why ?
Long enough space .
Nick and Amy will be gone , but then we never really existed .
Nick loved a girl I was pretending to be .
It's only 2nd week of the summer , and there's already been a dead fish in the pool ?
We were doing an experiment .
We were trying to get it back alive .
Let's do this .
Let's make a baby .
What ?
What are you talking about ?
I don't know who's trying to sell .
Of course .
Sorry .
Go .
See ?
Everything's okay .
Go away .
Get all the way .
What ?
Swim all the way across the pool with your water .
There's a snake in my boat .
What happens now ?
They arrive .
I did not hear Malorie and beat us to death with it right in front of both y'all .
Now .
What's it gonna be , doc ?
What What kind of bird are you ?
I'm a raven .
Boys aren't allowed in here .
As I told you , Logan , she's a mutant like you .
Okay .
I need to call the police .
Stop it .
Stop it .
Stop .
Look it up .
I'm so No .
No .
Look away .
Make a note .
Look away .
It's a waste of good Scotch .
I never waited for anyone who was late more than 10 minutes in my life .
I'd say 15 .
15 is right .
No .
10 .
5 £100 of cotton day in , day out , more than any merrier .
And for that , I will be green .
Still there .
Still there .
Gone .
What are you doing ?
I'm distracting you , you big turd blossom .
We should talk .
Okay .
System ?
There's something with it .
6% of what ?
6% of all priests .
How how many priests do we have in Boston ?
About 1500 .
1% is 15 .
6% is 90 .
We are sexbomb , and we're here to make you think about death and get sad and stuff .
This is the beginning of the song .
We found an airplane .
Oh , Sank into the floor .
Wait .
Wait .
Wait .
Wait .
Wait .
Wait .
Sank .
Can you go on ?
Hey , boys .
Hey .
Come on .
Get back to me .
You were larger than life , man .
You saved people from their boring , miserable lives .
You make them jump , laugh , shit their pants .
All you have to do is How does that happen ?
Is it good ?
Is she the love of your life ?
Yes , sir .
Why aren't you with her ?
I don't know .
Yes , you do .
Tell me why you're not with her if you love her so much .
I told her I'd come back , and I never went back .
And now I just I gotta get back to her .
Why don't you go back ?
I don't know .
Why don't you go back ?
I don't know .
Close your eyes .
There's someone in the room .
Experience .
Hotel Kinski , kitchen house .
House .
Great in that car , Panethal .
The pleasure's mine , Vishnu .
The stress busters .
These are not acceptable .
I fully agree .
Education .
I studied reading and spelling .
And sometimes , I think I've felt everything I'm ever gonna feel .
And from here on out , I'm not gonna feel anything new .
Just lesser versions of what I've already felt .
Start counting .
5 , 6 , 7 In 4 , damn it .
Look at me .
Then back to city college , and then maybe you'd learn to pull yourself up and not expect everybody to do everything .
Mark .
Mark .
He's wired in .
Sorry ?
He's wired in .
Is he ?
Yes .
How about now ?
You still wired in ?
Home security .
You better lawyer up , asshole , because I'm not coming back for 30% .
I'm coming back for everything .
There you go .
10 seconds .
And that right there ?
You're in the middle of the world .