So today , we're gonna talk about why b 12 is not being absorbed in your body .
Unless you're a vegan , you're getting enough from the diet .
Okay ?
But the problem is usually the absorption , not from the diet .
Here are a few symptoms that a person can experience if they're b 12 deficient .
Depression , paranoia , delusional , dementia , memory loss , pins and needles or numbness in your hands and your feet or any part of the body , anemia , swollen tongue , red tongue , fatigue , weakness , and tremors .
And And there's a lot of other ones as well .
So b 12 is one of the only b vitamins that can be stored in the body .
So it can be stored for several years .
So let's talk about the barrier of absorption .
B 12 is attached to a mineral .
Okay ?
Cobalt .
And it's protein bound .
So to break this up , you need a very strong protein enzyme called pepsin , which happens to be triggered by acid in your stomach .
In order to activate pepsin , you need a pH between 1 to 3 .
That's extremely acid .
So if you're taking any acids for example , that could be a definite reason why you're deficient in b 12 .
Here's some other reasons .
You could have a condition called atrophic gastritis .
And that's a situation where the stomach is inflamed and the stomach lining is breaking down , maybe from years of consuming bad foods or junk foods or whatever .
Because as soon as you destroy the lining of the stomach , you can't make this acid anymore .
Gastric bypass .
Okay ?
That's another way that it can disrupt the stomach lining affecting the not just the acid but the release of enzymes as well .
Celiac .
K ?
Now that's a problem in the small intestine .
What happens is that b twelve is normally broken down in the stomach and then absorbed in the small intestine .
But if the lining of the small intestine is damaged , whether you have celiac or Crohn's or IBS , that could be the reason why it's not going in .
Okay ?
And this is another common reason right here .
You just don't have enough stomach acid .
So many people have this problem .
What's the top symptom that they experience ?
Acid reflux .
Why ?
Because the valve at the top of the stomach doesn't close unless this pH is very very acidic .
Okay ?
So there's a sensor in this valve .
And then the acid starts splashing back up .
And you get GERD or acid reflux and you think , oh wow I need an antiacid .
Okay ?
Well , that just takes the stomach acid out and the problem gets worse and worse and worse .
So it's a real easy solution .
What you do is you take this version of B12 , methylcobalamin , okay , in thousands of micrograms .
So I would suggest maybe 2,000 or maybe 3,000 micrograms of b 12 , this version right here .
And you will see a great improvement in these symptoms right here .
And then don't forget to acidify the stomach with either betaine hydrochloride or apple cider vinegar , or a combination of both .
And you can get them in pills as well .
Now there's one last thing , let's say for example you have these symptoms or some of them and you take the b 12 and you still don't see change .
There's one more thing , it's called the intrinsic factor that's made by your stomach .
This is a factor that helps the absorption of b 12 .
Okay ?
And if you have damage in your stomach , it's very very difficult to absorb b 12 because you just don't have the intrinsic factor .
There is a product that I know about .
I don't sell it .
Okay ?
You can do a search on it .
It's called ZYPAN .
It has the intrinsic factor in this product .
It's a natural product .
It's from standard process .
I used to use it when I was in practice .
But if you do a search on ZYPAN , okay , and you start taking this , it also has Betaine hydrochloride to help acidify the stomach .
That can help the absorption of b 12 as well .
Alright guys , thanks for watching .
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