In this tutorial , I will show you how to make this 3d text effect in Photoshop choose text tool .
This is the font .
I'm using download link in description and type your text .
Press control T and adjust text size accordingly .
Press control J to duplicate text change , text color , select move tool and move text to the right accordingly .
Choose pen tool and follow the process .
Hold shift and select these layers , right click and choose convert to smart object hide this layer for now go to file menu , choose place embedded , double click on your image , right ?
Click and choose flip horizontal , decrease the opacity that we able to see the text layer and adjust image size accordingly .
Reset opacity back to 100% .
Hold alt and click to clip mask to bottom layer .
Press control J to duplicate go to select menu and choose subject .
Click on layer mask icon , hold control and click on thumbnail of the text layer .
It will make selection around the selected layer from select menu , click on inverse choose brush , make sure foreground color is black and delete this area .
Unhide the shape layer hold out and drag this layer to make a copy clip mask it to bottom layer , create a levels , adjustments in layer clip mask to bottom layer and follow the process .
Not again , create a new layer clip mask to the bottom layer and follow the process .
Select all layers , press control G to group press control J to duplicate the group right click and choose marriage group , press control T right click and choose flip vertical , adjust the position accordingly .
Hold alt and click on layer mask icon , choose gradient tool and follow the process .
Create a new layer and follow the process .
Create a gradient adjustments layer .
Follow the steps , press control alt shift E to make a merged copy from all layers .
Convert to smart object open camera raw filters and apply the following settings .