Yeah .
You know , I , I'm not much one to worry much .
I just take it day by day .
I wake up in the morning .
I look out the sun's coming up .
I know it's gonna be up all day and it's gonna go on down and uh that's , that my day is just uh same thing , dad .
Mm .
Oh dude , she's a fucking goddess .
I mean , I got us a fucking hey and OK .
Right .
I bet she'd be fun .
Come on .
No , I'm serious .
You know what's cool about freaky chicks like that ?
They like to get weird .
Yeah .
Bye .
What's up ?
Yeah .
Yes .
You all right .
I think you drop these .
Thanks .
Feel like all your parts are working , ok ?
Yeah , I think so easy .
Who's that ?
You're not from around here ?
Are you ?
How do you know ?
Because there's only a couple 100 people in this shit town and unfortunately I know all of them .
Can I tell you a secret ?
Yes .
Ok .
I think you're better than that .
What do you mean ?
Hi , Mindy .
It's Maddie .
Who's your friend ?
I don't know .
Why don't you ask him ?
Nice dress .
Ok .
So you still think I'm better than her .
Yep .
Why ?
Because , because why , because you're a nice girl .
I don't think you're really supposed to be smoking in here .
You see what I mean ?
Hey , sorry , I know .
I thought I'd just be a minute .
First thing we'll have to do is teach you how to tell time .
You wanna give me a slap on the wrist .
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But half the funds to chase girls like you just make it too damn easy .
I , you ready for another ride ?
Hey , what do you want ?
Uh I like your outfit .
Fuck you .
I'm serious .
Really ?
You want a cigarette ?
What ?
I'm sorry , I'm not you , Addison .
Hi grandma .
23 .
Guess what ?
That's a dog ?
Chicken butt .
Just kidding .
I had sex too .
You know , scientists say that watching TV , all day rots your brain , right ?
He's , he's more than a hour .
Yeah , grandma .
I hope you don't mind but I took the liberty looking around your room .
Yeah .
Yeah .
Yeah , I look like a fucking faggot this .
Get up .
No .
Calm down .
Yeah , I like you better with your glasses .
What do you want ?
What do you want ?
I don't know .
Just don't kill me .
Please don't kill you .
Ok ?
What can I do to you ?
What kind of things can I do to you ?
Mhm .
Six things and I thought you were a nice girl .
Yeah .
Hey do oh hey .
Oh that it's ok .
It's ok .
Hello ?
Oh you got some fight in you ?
Well , I think I got you quartered .
You wanna try begging your way out of this one by offering up your pussy like it's some kind of prize .
Fuck you .
What's that ?
Fuck you , honey .
He's the one that hold on , man .
Let , let's just talk about this for a second .
Shit .
You missed , you missed you stupid bitch .
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