Come to the first video of our new series about excellence in evaporation .
Today , we want to introduce a smart feature to automate some of the most relevant process steps of rotor evaporation processes .
The dynamic autoaccurate or short DAA mode , it's a smart program to detect and to address a single or even a multiple boiling point automatically .
In this video , we will show you how this feature can boost the efficiency in your lap , can avoid undesirable side effects like foaming or bumping , and how it can ensure a stable , constant evaporation without readjustments or monitoring .
You can connect the outer accurate sensor , which is an optional accessory , to your High Vap Expert or Ultimate control unit .
The system will recognize the sensor automatically and will allow to start the so called dynamic outer accurate evaporation .
The first and most important change on the display is that you won't see the set vacuum anymore as the program automatically search for the right vacuum level , so you do not need to know the right parameter .
The system will do the job for you .
The process starts with an automatic self check to ensure that the temperature at the most relevant position , which is the lowest point of our condensation zone , is stable .
If this is the case , the program starts now to surge carefully and slow enough to the right vacuum level in order to trigger the initial boiling .
This is very important to avoid a too fast evacuation , which could lead to the occurrence of foam or splashes .
As soon as the first rising wafer increase the temperature at our point of measurement , the system reacts , and we keep the vacuum level and visit the wafer load on our condenser constant .
After a while of constant evaporation , the residue level of our focus solvent decreased and with it , the created and rising amount of wafer .
In a manual process , you would have to readjust the vacuum now manually or you accept a slow and not fully completed separation .
The DAA program will adjust the vacuum automatically several times to maintain an efficient and fast evaporation and a good separation from solvent to solvent or solvent from a solid or powder .
At the end , the system detect no vapor load anymore via a recovering temperature level on the sensor and will finish the process automatically .
But the DAA mode offers even more function .
For example , you can evaporate even multiple solvents 1 by 1 out of a complex mixture .
This helps to avoid the chaos of foaming and pumping inside of the glassware system , which could occur if you address different boiling points at the same time .
Also noteworthy , you can fine tune the efficiency of your automatic evaporation with an allowed delta t value .
For example , if you work with a strong cooling source , you can adjust the tolerance of the sensor to keep the automatic evaporation always on the most efficient level according to your physical system limits .
So summarizing , you saw that the dynamic auto accurate function allows you to run an evaporation process on a perfectly balanced and most efficient level without the need of monitoring .
You can invest this time into other research tasks .
Moreover , due to the very sensitive step by step evacuation process , it can avoid foaming and bumping , and it addresses and finds the boiling point automatically .
If you are interested , our application specialists are happy to assist you and to check which improvement potential the DAA mode offers for your specific application .
Well , I hope you enjoyed that information .
We We're always passionate to support you in your way to excellence in research , to your way to excellence in evaporation .
Thanks for watching .